NDIS Registered Badge
Frequently Asked Questions
Be confident you’re choosing a coordinator who is the best choice for you.
Circle Specialist Coordination
Get to know us!
What is a Specialist Support Coordinator?

A Specialist Support Coordinator helps you to understand and use your plan to navigate the NDIS and find solutions to barriers. A Specialist Support Coordinator will support you to achieve your goals and choose your providers. A Specialist Support Coordinator does not make decisions for you and is not an advocate, although they should help you to build your independence and confidence.

What are the different types of Support Coordination?

There are two types of Support Coordination; general and specialist. At Circle SC we provide only Specialist Support Coordination (level 3).

Coordination of Supports (level 2)
Puts in place a mix of supports to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage tasks, live more independently and participate in your local community. It aims to build your confidence and skill to self-direct your own life and not just your funded services. Circle SC does not provide this but we are happy to point you towards some quality providers who do.

Specialist Support Coordination (level 3)
Circle SC does provide this higher level of support. This is for people whose situations are more complex who need specialist support. Our Specialist Support Coordinators will assist you to manage challenges in your support environment and ensure consistent delivery of supports.

What can I expect from a Circle Specialist Support Coordinator?

You can expect a calm, compassionate, organised, responsive, and knowledgeable Specialist Support Coordinator who will be alongside you every step of the way. We will get to know your life circumstances and support you to identify your short-term and long-term goals. We will also utilise our experience and networks in the industry to connect you with other quality providers to form a strong compassionate team to support you.

We will regularly check-in with you to ensure you are maximising your funding without overspending. We play a strong role in gathering all the reports and documents needed for your NDIS plan review and we will write our own in-depth reassessment report and attend this with you to ensure you get a positive outcome. We can also assist you through the lengthy and potentially stressful appeals process if your funded supports do not meet your needs.

Can my family, a friend or an advocate support me when engaging with Circle SC?

Absolutely! Family and friends are most welcome to be part of our conversations and are a key part in building a strong support network. Engaging an advocate is recommended by us and we can link you in with an advocate through our networks.

Why should I choose Circle SC?

We have extensive experience supporting people with disabilities through the NDIS so you can count on us to help you best use your plan and achieve your goals. We are down-to-earth, authentic and transparent. We will support you without being overbearing.

We take responsibility for overcoming challenges and achieving goals and we take complete ownership over our mistakes. We are also an independent Specialist Support Coordination provider. This means we have no hidden agenda and will always put your interests first. If you choose us to be your Specialist Support Coordinator you will not regret it.

Why is it important my Specialist Support Coordinator is independent like Circle SC?

At Circle SC we are a completely independent Specialist Support Coordination provider. We ONLY provide Specialist Support Coordination and no other NDIS funded supports. We have no hidden agenda to persuade you to use our other services because we don’t have any!

We are put your goals and your choices first to make sure you get the highest quality supports from the best providers. We are flexible, adaptable and think outside the box to create the best solution for you.

Where are you located and where do you support people?

We are located in Fremantle, WA although we support participants F2F all over the Perth metro area and can support you anywhere in Australia via our virtual (telehealth) support. We support families as far as Margaret River, Albany and Broome via our virtual support.

Can Circle SC help with my NDIS plan reassessment?

100%! One of our main responsibilities as your Specialist Support Coordinator is gathering all reports, documents and preparing a comprehensive plan reassessment report for your LAC or NDIA planner. We will also always be available to attend the plan reassessment meeting alongside you.

How much does Circle SC charge?

We charge in line with the current NDIS Pricing Arrangements for Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination which is $190.54 p/hr. We charge the same rate wherever you are located.

Read more about our pricing & services here.

How do you determine what the best options are for me?

Ultimately you are the person that makes this decision. However we will support you to navigate the system so you are aware of the different options available to you. We do this by getting to know you and your situation, what makes you tick, what your goals are, and what your vision is for your life.

We have several methods of doing this:

  • Listening intently to your story.
  • Communicating regularly with you and your supports.
  • Engaging in goal setting with you.
  • Completing a ‘Circles of Support’ exercise with you to get to know your family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and services.
  • Engaging in person-centred planning.
  • Utilising our extensive network of high quality providers to ensure you get the best support.
Does Circle SC charge for travel?

We do charge travel from your NDIS plan in the following ways if we come to visit you in your home or travel to meet you in the community. Video and phone catch-ups are a great way to minimise travel costs.

This is up to a maximum of 30mins each way at the hourly rate within the Perth Metropolitan (MMM1-3). Non-labour costs (e.g parking and kms) are negotiable under the NDIS and Circle SC generally charges the recommended reasonable rate of 0.97c p/km.

Info about NDIS plans & funding
Who is eligible for the NDIS?

To be eligible for the NDIS you generally need to be an Australian citizen aged under 65 (or become eligible for the NDIS while under 65), who is permanently impacted by your disability across a number of areas in your life.

What does the NDIS fund?

The NDIS approves 'reasonable and necessary supports’. Reasonable and necessary supports are unique to each person’s disability and each person's circumstances and goals. Funded supports assist you to achieve your goals, build your independence and capacity for social inclusion and employment. NDIS funded supports are divided into three budgets; Core, Capacity Building and Capital.

A reasonable and necessary NDIS support;  
a) is directly related to your disability,
b) is not an everyday living cost not related to your disability such as groceries or rent,
c) is value for money,
d) is effective,
e) takes into account other government services, your family, carers, networks and the community.

You experience difficulty socialising and building connections with others. The NDIS funds allied health therapy to assist you to develop your social skills which enables you to participate more fully in the community, make friendships and gain meaningful employment. This funded support is directly related to your disability, has been shown to be effective, is the responsibility of the NDIS and is value for money because it helps you to achieve your goals, generate an income and contribute to the economy of your local community.

What's the difference between the Core, Capacity Building and Capital budget?

Supports that you need to meet your ‘core’ everyday needs like showering, support with mealtimes, support to access the community and transport.

Capacity Building
Supports to build your skills and independence. The aim of these supports is to reduce your reliance on paid support over time as you build your capacity.

Assistive technology (equipment), home modifications and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

What does the NDIS not fund?

The NDIS does not fund supports not related to your disability, everyday living costs (such as groceries, rent, bills), supports that are provided through other government services, the community and your family. The NDIS will also not fund expensive options (they will fund the cheapest most effective 'value for money' solution).

Do I need NDIS funding to engage with Circle SC?

Yes you will need an approved plan from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) with funding for your disability supports. Your plan will state if you have funding for level 3 Specialist Support Coordination.

How will I know if I am funded for Specialist Support Coordination?

Your plan will state if you have funding for level 3 Specialist Support Coordination in your Capacity Building budget. If your Support Coordination is not 'stated' we can also support you.

What if I don’t have Specialist Support Coordination funded in my plan?

You will either have an LAC or an NDIA planner to contact. If you don’t have their contact details you can contact your local LAC office or call the NDIS on 1800 800 110 for more information.

Can I ask for Specialist Support Coordination to be funded in my plan?

Yes, however the decision to fund any support is the decision of the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency). This will be reflected in whether level 3 Specialist Support Coordination is included in your NDIS plan.

You can request Specialist Support Coordination to be funded by outlining the barriers and challenges in your life to your support network, LAC or NDIA Planner as well as any goals that require lots of specialist planning and guidance to achieve such as exploring housing options.

You can bring this to their attention during your plan reassessment meeting or by requesting a reassessment of your plan when your life circumstances and goals change.

What do I do if I receive a plan that doesn't meet my needs/help me achieve my goals?

You will need to request an internal reassessment by the NDIA to reassess your plan.

Requesting an internal re-assessment of a decision.

You will need to tell the NDIA;

  • what decision you were expecting,
  • why you think the NDIA should have made a different decision,
  • if there is any information you’ve already given that you'd like reconsidered,
  • if you have any new evidence, such as medical or therapy reports.
What is the myplace participant portal?

This is the online NDIS portal where you or your plan nominee can keep track of your NDIS funding and monitor how much you have spent and have left. You can make payment requests so you can access your funding and pay your providers.

How to use the myplace portal.

Answering a few general questions we get
How do I pay for Circle Specialist Coordination?

Your funding will either be self, plan or NDIA-managed.

Self-managed; receive funds into your nominated bank account (or receive reimbursement) from your NDIS plan by making an online payment request on the myplace portal which you can then use to make payment.

Plan-managed; we will invoice your plan manager who will make payment.

NDIA-managed; we will electronically claim online through PRODA (the myplace provider portal).

What's the difference between self, plan and NDIA-managed funding?

Self-Managed: When you manage your NDIS funding. It gives you the flexibility and choice to decide what supports you buy to meet your plan goals.

Plan-Managed: When a plan-manager provider supports you to manage your funding. Plan management means you can use registered and unregistered providers. If you choose to plan-manage your funding the NDIA will pay your plan manager (separately from your other supports) who will pay your providers.

NDIA-Managed: When your plan is managed by the NDIA. You can only choose NDIS registered providers like us. These organisations will electronically manage all claims online through the NDIS portal and keep all book-keeping records.

What is a service agreement and do I have to sign one?

A service agreement is a written agreement (we will provide) between yourself and us which explains who we are, what we do, how much we charge, and both of our responsibilities and rights. The agreement is signed by both of us as a symbolic commitment to work together and treat each other with respect.

What is a plan nominee?

A person that is appointed to talk to the NDIA and/or make decisions on your behalf.