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How Can the NDIS Help Me?

How the NDIS can help you to lead a well-supported and fulfilling life.

Written by
Dan McCutcheon

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports approximately 550,000 Australians living with a permanent and significant disability. The NDIS aims to promote the social and economic participation of all Australians living with disabilities. This is done through support to help you develop friendships, improve relationships with family, form connections in your community, as well as help you work or study. 

The NDIS will only support you if you have a permanent disability that impacts you significantly across a number of areas of your life. If you are eligible for the NDIS the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) will fund disability-related supports to help you achieve your goals. The NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator will meet with you and your support network to talk about your disability needs and the goals you have for your life. From this conversation they will develop an NDIS plan which includes all the supports you have been approved for over the next 12, 24 or 36 months (NDIS plans go from anywhere between 1-3yrs).

The NDIS supports people to achieve their goals so they can live a meaningful and fulfilling life. The NDIS aims to support people to do more things for themselves, become more independent, and have more connections in the community so they wont need to rely on support as much in the future. This is what the NDIS mean when they talk about 'capacity-building'.

Some common goals the NDIS can support are:

  1. Becoming more independent. 
  2. Improving health and fitness. 
  3. Improving social skills. 
  4. Developing friendships. 
  5. Participating in the community (such as in social groups or sporting clubs). 
  6. Finding and maintaining a job.
  7. Studying at school, university or TAFE. 
  8. Moving out of home. 
  9. Remaining in your own home.

How the NDIS can help looks different for everyone! Each person’s NDIS plan will be based on their individual circumstances, needs and goals. Some years a person might get more funding because they have a really big goal like moving out of home for the first time or getting paid employment. Other years a person might not have as many goals because they are really happy with where they are at and that's ok too. 

To maximise how the NDIS can help you we recommend the following:

  • Before your NDIS reassessment meeting think about what you want in your NDIS plan. That way you will feel less stressed and you will feel confident to communicate exactly what you want and need.
  • Think about your short-term and long-term goals. Write them down before you go into the planning meeting and tell other people about them.
  • Be prepared for your NDIS plan reassessment meeting. Gather and submit supporting evidence in the form of reports and letters of support. Engaging a family member, friend, or advocate to help with this process can be beneficial.
How the NDIS can help you to lead a well-supported and fulfilling life.
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